My portrait painting class is in full swing! For the last three weeks I have been teaching ten poor souls over at Central Christian Church in New Albany, Indiana how to paint themselves. It is a five-week class, so they are more than halfway through. This Thursday we are going to pause our painting to take a look at each other’s work and learn some tips on how to compliment art while sounding like you know what you are talking about. As opposed to….

Although honestly, as an artist, I would accept this praise.
About the class…
I received a grant from Lifetime Arts and the Indiana Arts Commission, along with training on how to lead art workshops for older adults. The training was wonderful and I was so excited to be a part of this. (Why yes I did get accepted into two separate art programs last year, earning two separate grants!). It is exciting but also a bit nerve-wracking. HOW WILL I DO ALL THIS?
Here are some photos from the class.

The idea is that I will package up this course and start marketing it to other places around town after this is over. So, if you are interested in having me come to your church, community center, business, whatever – reach out to me!