This week’s assignment in my spiritual direction class was to write a Collect. This is a form of short poetic prayer that helps you gather your thoughts and discern your intentions. Here are the components:
- Name who you are praying to – what title and moniker will you use to address God? God in what capacity? It should relate to your desire.
- Unfold that name. What does it mean, who is this God?
- Name your desire. Just one desire. Make it simple.
- Unfold that desire. Use descriptive language. Why do you want this?
- Finish with praise.
Try writing your own! I found the process very interesting. I thought I was going in one direction, but by the end of the prayer I looked back and turns out I had gone somewhere very different. It was enlightening. Perhaps the process could be helpful for you too.
Divine Creator, Who took a formless void and gave us shape Who took the darkness that covered the face of the deep and gave us light Who took your own image, according to your likeness and made us Who called us good Who called us good? Good? Am I not a formless void? Is darkness not covering the face of my deep? Is my image divine? Creator God, Give me shape Give me light Or gently turn my face and open my eyes so that I may see the shape and light that is already there The earth is full of your goodness All of creation is your glory All of creation Even me