Artist. Writer. Sociologist.
I am an artist, writer, editor, and perfumer.
I have a PhD in Sociology from Purdue University. My area of specialty was Self & Identity Theory. Then I spent 12 years as an adjunct sociology professor and eight years as a sociologist of religion. Before that, I was an elementary art teacher.
Sociology provides a rich foundation for a writer and an artist. It provides a deeper understanding of human behavior, social dynamics, and societal issues. It equips writers with valuable insights, research skills, and critical thinking abilities.
Although I have an extensive vita of peer-reviewed academic publications, my foray into fiction didn’t start until March of 2022. Since then, my first piece has been published in 50-Word Stories. Yes, I started small.
My first manuscript, a dual-POV YA Occult novel entitled The Stonecrafters, is a 2023 Claymore Award winner. I am now seeking representation for that novel.
Wholehearted Living with Art and Soul
This website is my hub. It’s the place where all my various loves intersect. What makes them connect? Creativity. Heart. Soul.
On December 23, 2017, while I was wrapping Christmas presents, I had a widowmaker heart attack. I survived. Obviously. But this experience sparked a change in me.
I am a different person now. That traumatic experience transformed me in ways that are still unfolding. It changed my personality, the way I relate to people, my interests, my dreams, my spirituality, my perspective.
I prefer this new me.
In February of 2023, this new me got a kick in the butt when I left my job as a research analyst, and put all my eggs into the creative endeavor basket. Granted, this basket has many eggs: selling my art, teaching art classes, writing a novel, editing… I’m even trained as a spiritual director.
I’d like to say this creative endeavor basket isn’t a handbasket, and said handbasket certainly isn’t headed straight toward hell, but then again, my debut novel is about demons so…
Purdue University
Ph.D., Sociology, 2011
Ball State University
MA, Sociology, 2006
Ball State University
MA, Social Science Education, 2005
Ball State University
BS, Visual Arts Education, 1999
Leader and Founder
Crafty Spirit
2023 – 2024
A creative contemplative community. We host a monthly Contemplative Arts Circle.
Limen Place
2020 – 2022
A creative contemplative community. We host two monthly circles. One is a Contemplative Pause, focusing on spiritual practices. The other is a Creative Pause, focusing on creative practices.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
2014 – 2023
Research Associate
Resident data visualization expert. Directs the US Congregational Vitality Survey. Tracks the 1001 Worshiping Communities movement.
Staff Day Retreat Leader
Art & Soul: Painting as Prayer Workshop
Owner and Founder
Vetiver Aromatics
2011 – PRESENT
Vetiver Aromatics is a purveyor of perfume-making kits and supplies. Our mission is to help people find their inner perfumer by providing the education, materials, and supplies to practice the mad science of artisan perfumery.
Adjunct Professor
Indiana University Southeast:
Social Problems
2009 – 2021
University of Louisville:
Social Theory, Diversity & Inequality, Social Problems, Introduction to Sociology
2009 – 2012
Tiffin University:
The Psychology of Success
2009 – 2012
University of Phoenix:
Racial Relations in the United States
2009 – 2012
Elementary Art Teacher
Muncie Community Schools
2000 – 2003
Taught elementary art to the children of two small elementary schools in Muncie, IN. My time was split equally between the two schools. I had art rooms in both schools.
Elementary Art Teacher
Anderson Community Schools
1999 – 2000
Taught “art on a cart” to the children of a small, struggling elementary school in Anderson Indiana, visiting from room to room to teach the kids for 45 minutes while the teacher was able to go take a break. This job only lasted a year because the school was shut down due to failing the No Child Left Behind Initiative.